Wimark.Controls Class Library  

Wimark.Controls Namespace

The Wimark.Controls namespace contains classes for creating sophisticated Windows-based applications.

The classes in this namespace can be grouped into the following categories:

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
BoldedDate Represents a date of a month calendar or date time picker that should be displayed in bold.
Button Represents a Windows button control.
ButtonList Displays a vertical list of option or link buttons.
ButtonList.ButtonListItemCollection Represents a collection of ButtonListItem objects in the ButtonList control.
ButtonListEventArgs Provides the ButtonListItem object where the SelectedIndexChanged, ButtonClick and ButtonDoubleClick event was initiated.
ButtonListItem Represents a button in a ButtonList control.
CheckBox Represents a Windows radio button.
ClientArea Represents the client area in forms and scrollable panels.
ColumnHeader Displays a single column header in a ListView control.
ColumnHeaderEventArgs Provides data for the ColumnClick event of a ListView control.
ComboBox Represents a Windows combo box control.
ComboBox.ComboBoxItemCollection Represents a collection of ComboBoxItem objects in the ComboBox control.
ComboBoxItem Represents an item in a ComboBox control.
CommandGroup Represents a group of command items.
CommandItem Represents a command item in a menu or tool bar.
CommandItemCollection Represents a collection of CommandItem objects.
CommandItemEventArgs Provides data for the Click, Popup and CheckEnabled events.
CommandManager Manages groups of command items.
CommandManager.CommandGroupCollection Represents a collection of CommandGroup objects in the CommandManager component.
ContextMenu Represents a shortcut menu.
ContextMenuCollection Represents a collection of ContextMenu objects.
ContextMenus Manages shortcut menus and associates them with controls.
ControlBase Hides properties and events that are not supposed to be used from the design environment.
DataGridView Displays data in a customizable tablelike grid.
DataGridView.DataGridViewColumnCollection Represents a collection of DataGridViewColumn objects.
DataGridView.DataGridViewGroupCollection Represents a collection of DataGridViewGroup objects.
DataGridView.DataGridViewRowCollection Represents a collection of DataGridViewCell objects stored in a DataGridViewRow.
DataGridView.DataGridViewSelectedCellAddressCollection Represents the collection of addresses to selected cells in a DataGridView control.
DataGridView.DataGridViewSelectedIndexCollection Represents the collection of selected row or column indices in a DataGridView control.
DataGridView.DataGridViewStyleCollection Represents a collection of DataGridViewStyle objects.
DataGridView.HitTestInfo Contains information, such as the row and column indices, about a specific coordinate pair in the DataGridView control.
DataGridViewBindingModel Represents a data model that handles data binding for the DataGridView control.
DataGridViewButtonCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays a button.
DataGridViewButtonColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains button cells.
DataGridViewCell Represents an individual cell in a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewCellBorder Represents custom border information applied to individual cells within a DataGridView control. Note, the renderer assigned to the DataGridView, may not support all parameters.
DataGridViewCellBorderConverter Converter for DataGridViewCellBorder objects.
DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs Provides data for DataGridView events related to cell operations that can be canceled.
DataGridViewCellConvertEventArgs Provides data for the CellFormatting and CellParsing events.
DataGridViewCellEventArgs Provides data for DataGridView events related to cell and row operations.
DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs Provides data for mouse events raised by a DataGridView.
DataGridViewCellPaintEventArgs Provides data for the CellPaint, CellPrePaint and CellPostPaint events.
DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs Provides data for the CellValidating event.
DataGridViewCheckBoxCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays a check box.
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains check box cells.
DataGridViewColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewComboBoxCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays a combo box.
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains combo box cells.
DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs Provides data for the DataError event.
DataGridViewDateTimePickerColumn Summary description for DataGridViewDateTimePickerColumn.
DataGridViewDomainUpDownCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays a domain up-down control.
DataGridViewDomainUpDownColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains domain up-down cells.
DataGridViewGroup Represents a group of rows displayed within a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewGroup.DataGridViewRowCollection Represents a collection of DataGridViewRow objects.
DataGridViewGroupCancelEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeGroupExpand events of a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewGroupEventArgs Provides data for the AfterGroupExpand events of a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewImageCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays an image.
DataGridViewImageColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains image cells.
DataGridViewIndexCancelEventArgs Provides data for DataGridView events related to row and column operations that can be canceled.
DataGridViewIndexEventArgs Provides data for DataGridView events related to row and column operations.
DataGridViewLinkCell Represents a DataGridView cell that contains a link.
DataGridViewLinkColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains link cells.
DataGridViewModel Represents a data model that handles data for the DataGridView control.
DataGridViewModelErrorTextEventArgs Provides data for the ErrorTextNeeded event.
DataGridViewModelGroupEventArgs Provides data for the GroupNeeded and GroupCaptionNeeded events.
DataGridViewModelItemEventArgs Provides data for the DefaultValuesNeeded event.
DataGridViewModelItemHeightEventArgs Provides data for the ItemHeightNeeded and ItemHeightPushed events.
DataGridViewModelPropertyErrorTextEventArgs Provides data for the PropertyErrorTextNeeded event.
DataGridViewModelValueEventArgs Provides data for the ValueNeeded and ValuePushed events.
DataGridViewNumericUpDownCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays a numeric up-down control.
DataGridViewNumericUpDownColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains numeric up-down cells.
DataGridViewProgressBarCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays a progress bar.
DataGridViewProgressBarColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains progress bar cells.
DataGridViewRow Represents a row in a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewRow.DataGridViewCellCollection Represents a collection of DataGridViewCell objects stored in a DataGridViewRow.
DataGridViewRowEventArgs Provides data for DataGridView events related to row operations.
DataGridViewSortCompareEventArgs Provides data for the SortCompare event.
DataGridViewStyle Represents the formatting and style information applied to individual cells and headers within a DataGridView control.

Note, the renderer assigned to the DataGridView, may not support all parameters.
DataGridViewStyleConverter Converter for DataGridViewStyle objects.
DataGridViewTextBoxCell Represents a DataGridView cell that displays editable text information.
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Represents a column in a DataGridView that contains text box cells.
DataGridViewToolTipInfoNeededEventArgs Provides data for the ToolTipInfoNeeded event.
DateTimePicker Represents a Windows date-time picker control.
DockableFlags Contains restrictions where a DockItem control is permitted to dock.
DockableFlagsConverter Converter for DockableFlags.
DockColumn Represents a container that can contain a number of DockItem objects or other containers objects, arranged in a column.
DockFolder Represents a folder in the dock hierarchy and provides base functionality to all dock containers. This folder contains a collection of DockNode objects that are located under this folder in the hierarchy.
DockItem Represents a dockable window in the dock hierarchy where application content can be added. A DockItem object can be docked, auto hidden, hidden or floating.
DockManager A class that manages the dock hierarchy and the state of dockable tool windows.
DockManagerEventArgs Provides data for the ItemAutoHidden, ItemDocked, ItemFloating or ItemHidden events of a DockManager class.
DockNode Represents a node in the dock hierarchy and provides base functionality to all dockable controls.
DockNodeCollection Represents a collection of DockNode objects in the dock hierarchy.
DockRow Represents a container that can contain a number of DockItem objects or other containers objects, arranged in a row.
DockTab Represents a container that can contain a number of DockItem objects, arranged in a tab control.
DomainUpDown Represents a Windows up-down control that displays string values.
DomainUpDown.DomainUpDownItemCollection Represents a collection of DomainUpDownItem objects in the DomainUpDown control.
DomainUpDownItem Represents an item in a DomainUpDown control.
DrawDateEventArgs Provides the data to the DrawDate event.
ExplorerBar Represents a explorer bar that mimics the behavior of Windows XP navigation bars, found in the Control Panel and Windows Explorer. The control contains groups arranged beneath each other. Each group can be expanded or collapsed.
ExplorerBar.ExplorerGroupCollection Represents a collection of explorer groups assigned to a explorer bar control.
ExplorerGroup Represents a single group in a ExplorerBar.
FormBase Represents an abstract form that provides base functionality for the StandardForm, MdiContainer and MdiChild forms.
GraphicsManager Manages the graphical appearance of the user interface.
GroupBox Summary description for WGroupBox.
HelpProvider Provides pop-up or online Help for controls or components that implements the IHelpActivator interface.
HScrollBar Represents a vertical scroll bar.
ItemCollectionBase Represents a collection that generates events when items are added or removed.
ItemCollectionEventArgs Provides data to ItemAdded and ItemRemoved events.
Label Represents a standard Windows label.
LinkLabel Represents a Windows label control that can display hyperlinks.
LinkLabel.Link Represents a link within a LinkLabel control.
LinkLabel.LinkCollection Represents a collection of links in a LinkLabel control.
LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs Provides data for the OnLinkClicked event.
ListBox Represents a Windows list box control.
ListBox.CheckedIndexCollection Represents the collection containing the indexes to the checked items (including items in an indeterminate state) in a ListBox control.
ListBox.CheckedItemCollection Represents the collection of checked items (including items in an indeterminate state) in a ListBox control.
ListBox.ListItemCollection Represents a collection of ListItem objects in the ListBox control.
ListBox.SelectedIndexCollection Represents the collection containing the indexes to the selected items in a ListBox.
ListBox.SelectedItemCollection Represents the collection of selected items in the ListBox.
ListItem Represents an item in a ListBox control.
ListView Represents a Windows list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of five different views.
ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection Represents the collection of checked items in a list view control.
ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection Represents a collection of ColumnHeader objects.
ListView.ListViewGroupCollection Represents a collection of ListViewGroup objects.
ListView.ListViewItemCollection Represents a collection of ListViewItem objects.
ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection Represents the collection of selected items in a list view control.
ListViewAfterEditEventArgs Provides data for the AfterLabelEdit event of a ListView control.
ListViewGroup Represents a group of items displayed within a ListView control.
ListViewGroupCancelEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeGroupExpand events of a ListView control.
ListViewGroupEventArgs Provides data for the AfterGroupExpand events of a ListView control.
ListViewItem Represents an item in a ListView control.
ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection Represents a collection of ListViewSubItem objects stored in a ListViewItem.
ListViewItemCancelEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeCheck, BeforeLabelEdit, or BeforeSelect events of a ListView control.
ListViewItemEventArgs Provides data for the AfterItemCheck or AfterItemSelect events of a ListView control.
ListViewSubItem Represents a subitem of a ListViewItem.
MainMenu Represents the menu structure of a form.
MdiChild Represents a mdi child window.
MdiContainer Represents a mdi container window.
MenuItem Represents an individual menu item that is displayed within a Wimark.Controls.MainMenu or Wimark.Controls.ContextMenu.
MenuItemCollection Represents a collection of MenuItem objects.
MessageBox Displays a message box that can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.
MonthCalendar Represents a standard Windows month calendar control.
MonthCalendar.BoldedDateCollection Represents a collection of BoldedDate objects in a MonthCalendar control.
MonthCalendar.HitTestInfo Contains information about an area of a MonthCalendar control.
MonthCalendar.SelectedDateCollection Represents a collection of selected dates in a MonthCalendar control.
NumericUpDown Represents a Windows up-down control that displays numeric values.
Panel Represents a Windows Panel control.
PictureBox Represents a Windows picture box control for displaying an image.
ProgressBar Represents a Windows progress bar control.
PropertyChangedEventArgs Provides property type, old property value and new property value to PropertyChanged events.
RadioButton Represents a Windows radio button.
RichTextBox Represents a Windows rich text box control.
ScrollBar Implements the basic functionality of a scroll bar control.
ScrollBarArea Represents the area where the vertical and horozontal scrollbar meet.
Splitter Summary description for Splitter.
StandardForm Summary description for Form.
StatusBar Represents a Windows status bar.
StatusBar.StatusBarPanelCollection Represents a collection of StatusBarPanel objects in the StatusBar component.
StatusBarPanel Represents a panel in a StatusBar control.
StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs Provides data for the PanelClick event.
TabBar Represents a tab bar that mimics the behavior of Microsoft's Outlook bar. The control contains tab pages that slide into/out of view when clicked.
TabBar.TabBarPageCollection Represents a collection of tab bar pages assigned to a tab bar control.
TabBarPage Represents a single tab page in a TabBar control.
TabControl Manages a related set of tab pages.
TabControl.TabPageCollection Represents a collection of tab pages assigned to a tab control.
TabPage Represents a single tab page in a TabControl.
TextBox Represents a Windows text box control.
ToolBar Represents a Windows toolbar.
ToolBar.ToolBarButtonCollection Represents a collection of ToolBarButton objects in the ToolBar component.
ToolBarBase Provides base functionality to toolbars.
ToolBarButton Represents a Windows toolbar button.
ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs Provides data for the ButtonClick event.
ToolBarCollection Represents a collection of ToolBarBase objects in the ToolBars component.
ToolBarLineBreak Represents a line break in a ToolBars component.
ToolBars Manages a set of Windows toolbars that are associated with a form.
ToolBarsEventArgs Provides data for the ToolBarDocked, ToolBarFloating and ToolBarHidden events of a ToolBars class.
ToolTip Represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays a brief description of a control's purpose when the mouse hovers over the control.
TrackBar Represents a standard Windows trackbar.
TreeNode Represents a node of a TreeView.
TreeNodeCollection Represents a collection of TreeNode objects.
TreeView Displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items, each represented by a TreeNode.
TreeView.SelectedNodeCollection Represents the collection of selected tree nodes in the TreeView.
TreeViewAfterEditEventArgs Provides data for the AfterEdit event of a TreeView control.
TreeViewCancelEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeCheck, BeforeCollapse, BeforeExpand, BeforeEdit, or BeforeSelect events of a TreeView control.
TreeViewEventArgs Provides data for the AfterCheck, AfterCollapse, AfterExpand, or AfterSelect events of a TreeView control.
UpDownBase Implements the basic functionality required by an up-down control.
VScrollBar Represents a vertical scroll bar.


Interface Description
IHelpActivator Defines properties and events to activate the online help.
IPrintable Defines print methods used to draw the content of controls.


Structure Description
DataGridView.DataGridViewCellAddress Describes the address of a cell.


Delegate Description
ButtonListEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the SelectedIndexChanged, ButtonClick and ButtonDoubleClick events of a ButtonList control.
ColumnHeaderEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ColumnClick event of a ListView.
CommandItemEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Click, Popup and CheckEnabled events of a CommandItem.
DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler Represents the method that will handle DataGridView events related to cell operations that can be canceled.
DataGridViewCellConvertEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the CellFormatting and CellParsing events of a DataGridView.
DataGridViewCellEventHandler Represents the method that will handle DataGridView events related to cell and row operations.
DataGridViewCellMouseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle mouse events raised by a DataGridView.
DataGridViewCellPaintEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the CellPaint, CellPrePaint and CellPostPaint events of a DataGridView.
DataGridViewCellValidatingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the CellValidating event of a DataGridView.
DataGridViewDataErrorEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the DataError event of a DataGridView.
DataGridViewGroupCancelEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the BeforeGroupExpand event of a DataGridView.
DataGridViewGroupEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterGroupExpand event of a DataGridView.
DataGridViewIndexCancelEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events related to row and column operations that can be canceled.
DataGridViewIndexEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events related to row operations.
DataGridViewModelErrorTextEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ErrorTextNeeded.
DataGridViewModelGroupEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the GroupNeeded and GroupCaptionNeeded events.
DataGridViewModelItemEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the DefaultValuesNeeded event.
DataGridViewModelItemHeightEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ItemHeightNeeded and ItemHeightPushed.
DataGridViewModelPropertyErrorTextEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PropertyErrorTextNeeded.
DataGridViewModelValueEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ValueNeeded or ValuePushed event.
DataGridViewRowEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events related to row operations.
DataGridViewSortCompareEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the SortCompare event of a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewToolTipInfoNeededEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ToolTipInfoNeeded event.
DockManagerEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events of DockManager classes.
DrawDateEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the DrawDate event of month calendar and date time picker controls.
ItemCollectionEventHandler Represents the method that will handle ItemAdded and ItemRemoved events of the ItemCollectionBase class.
LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the LinkClicked event of a LinkLabel.
ListViewAfterEditEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterLabelEdit event of a ListView.
ListViewGroupCancelEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the BeforeGroupExpand event of a ListView.
ListViewGroupEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterGroupExpand event of a ListView.
ListViewItemCancelEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the BeforeItemCheck, BeforeLabelEdit, or BeforeItemSelect event of a ListView.
ListViewItemEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterItemCheck or AfterItemSelect event of a ListView.
PropertyChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PropertyChanged events of control classes.
StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PanelClick event of a StatusBar.
ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ButtonClick event of a ToolBars component.
ToolBarsEventHandler Represents the method that will handle events of ToolBars classes.
TreeViewAfterEditEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterEdit event of a TreeView.
TreeViewCancelEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the BeforeCheck, BeforeCollapse, BeforeExpand, BeforeEdit, or BeforeSelect event of a TreeView.
TreeViewEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the AfterCheck, AfterCollapse, AfterExpand, or AfterSelect event of a TreeView.


Enumeration Description
Animate Describes how the system animates menus and tooltips.
BoldedDateFrequency Specifies the frequency of the bolded date.
ButtonListButtonStyle Specifies the button style within a ButtonList control.
ColumnHeaderStyle Specifies the styles of the column headers in a ListView control.
ComboBoxStyle Specifies the ComboBox style.
CommandContainerType Specifies container types that host command items.
CommandItemStyle Specifies command item styles.
DataGridView.HitTestType Specifies the area of the DataGridView control that the HitTestInfo represents.
DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnCriteria Specifies which cell contents are considered when a DataGridView control programmatically resizes column width.
DataGridViewAutoSizeRowCriteria Specifies which cell contents are considered when a DataGridView control programmatically resizes row height.
DataGridViewCellBorderStyle Specifies the border styles that can be applied to the cells of a DataGridView control.
DataGridViewCellState Represents the graphical state of a DataGridView cell.
DataGridViewContentAlignment Defines constants that indicate the alignment of content within a DataGridView cell.
DataGridViewDataErrorContext Represents the state of a data-bound DataGridView control when a data error occurred.
DataGridViewEditMode Specifies how a user starts cell editing.
DataGridViewImageCellLayout Specifies the layout for an image contained in a DataGridViewCell.
DataGridViewItemMatch Specifies how cell values are matched to items in DataGridViewComboBoxCell and DataGridViewDomainUpDownCell cells.
DataGridViewSelectionMode Describes how cells of a DataGridView control can be selected.
DataGridViewTriState Represents a property which has three possible states.
DateSelectionMode Specifies the selection behavior of a month calendar control.
DockState Describes the current state of a DockItem control.
GraphicalAppearance Describes the graphical appearance of the user interface.
LinkBehavior Specifies the behaviors of a link in a LinkLabel.
ListBoxScrollBars Specifies the type of scroll bars to display in a list box.
ListBoxSelectionMode Specifies the selection behavior of a list box.
ListItemCheckBoxStyle Specifies the check box style in a list view item.
ListViewGroupStyle Specifies the styles of the groups in a ListView control.
ListViewItemDragAppearance Specifies the visual appearance of a list view item that is involved in drag-and-drop operation.
MonthCalendar.HitArea Defines constants that represent areas in a MonthCalendar control.
OwnerEdge Describes the which side of the owner form a control is docked.
PrintableControlState Represents the graphical state of a control.
TextAlign Specifies the alignment of text in relation to an image displayed on a control.
ToolBarButtonHideOrder Specifies the order when a toolbar button should be hidden.
ToolBarDockState Describes the current state of a toolbar.
TreeNodeCheckBoxStyle Specifies the check box style in a tree node.
TreeNodeDragAppearance Specifies the visual appearance of a tree node that is involved in drag-and-drop operation.
TreeViewAction Specifies the action that raised a TreeViewEventArgs event.
View Specifies how list items are displayed in a ListView control.

See Also

Wimark.Controls Class Library