Wimark.Controls Class Library  

Editor Members

Editor overview

Public Constructors

public constructorEditor Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Editor class.

Public Properties

public propertyAnimate Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop down window should animate when it is opened.
public propertyBounds Gets the bounds of the editor.
public propertyClonedFrom Gets or sets the editor this editor is cloned from.
public propertyContainer (inherited from Component) Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
public propertyDroppedDown Gets or sets a value indicating whether the editor is displaying its drop-down portion.
public propertyEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the editor is enabled.
public propertyIsActivated Gets a value indicating whether the editor is activated.
public propertyIsDialogOpened Gets a value indicating whether the editor is displaying the modal dialog.
public propertyLargeButtonLayout Gets or sets a value indicating whether the editor should display large buttons.
public propertyRenderer The renderer that paints this control.
public propertyRightToLeft Gets or sets whether the content displayed by the editor is displayed from right to left.
public propertySite (inherited from Component) Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
public propertyValue Gets or sets the value to edit.

Public Methods

public methodActivate Activates the editor and starts to edit the value.
public methodClone Creates a new editor and copies the state from this editor.
public methodCreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
public methodDisplayModalDialog Displays the modal dialog used to edit the value.
public methodDispose (inherited from Component) Overloaded. Releases the resources used by the Component.
public methodEquals (inherited from Object) Overloaded. Determines whether two Object instances are equal.
public methodGetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
public methodGetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
public methodGetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
public methodInitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
public methodOnValueModified Raises the ValueModified event.
public methodToString (inherited from Component) Overridden. See Object.ToString.

Public Events

public eventActivated Occurs when the editor is activated and starts to edit a value.
public eventBeforeDeactivate Occurs before the editor loses focus and ends editing a value.
public eventDeactivated Occurs when the editor loses focus and ends editing a value.
public eventDisposed (inherited from Component) Adds an event handler to listen to the Disposed event on the component.
public eventDropDown Occurs before the drop-down portion of an editor is shown.
public eventIsInputKey Occurs when the editor determines whether the specified key is a special key that requires preprocessing.
public eventKeyDown Occurs when a key that requires preprocessing is pressed while the editor is active.
public eventOpenDialog Occurs before the modal dialog of an editor is open.
public eventValueChanged Occurs when the Value property has changed.
public eventValueModified Occurs when the editor value is changed by the user.

Protected Properties

protected propertyDesignMode (inherited from Component) Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
protected propertyEvents (inherited from Component) Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
protected propertyHorizontalDropDownScrollBar Gets or sets a value indicating whether the horizontal scrollbar of the drop down window should be visible when it's needed.
protected propertyMaxDropDownRows Gets or sets the maximum number of rows to be shown in the drop-down portion of the editor.
protected propertyPreferredDropDownSize Gets or sets the preferred size of the of the drop-down portion of an editor.
protected propertyVerticalDropDownScrollBar Gets or sets a value indicating whether the vertical scrollbar of the drop down window should be visible when it's needed.

Protected Methods

protected methodCreateDropDownArea Virtual method that should create the area control used in the drop down window to edit values.
protected methodCreateEditorControl Virtual method that should create the control used to edit values.
protected methodCreateEditorForm Virtual method that should create the form used as a modal dialog to edit values.
protected methodDispose (inherited from Component) Overloaded. Releases the resources used by the Component.
protected methodFinalize (inherited from Component) Overridden. See Object.Finalize.

In C# and C++, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax.

protected methodGetCanEdit Virtual method that should return a value that indicates whether the editor can edit the value.
protected methodGetService (inherited from Component) Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container.
protected methodGetSupportsDialog Virtual method that should return a value that indicates whether the editor supports editing by a modal dialog.
protected methodGetSupportsDropDown Virtual method that should return a value that indicates whether the editor supports editing by a drop down window.
protected methodMemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
protected methodOnActivated Raises the Activated event.
protected methodOnBeforeDeactivate Raises the BeforeDeactivate event.
protected methodOnDeactivated Raises the Deactivated event.
protected methodOnDropDown Raises the DropDown event.
protected methodOnIsInputKey Raises the IsInputKey event.
protected methodOnKeyDown Raises the KeyDown event.
protected methodOnOpenDialog Raises the OpenDialog event.
protected methodOnValueChanged Raises the ValueChanged event.
protected methodPerformInvalidate Overloaded. Raises the Invalidate event.
protected methodPerformLayout Updates the layout of the editor.

See Also

Editor Class | Wimark.Controls.Editors Namespace